Gynekologové spolupracující s Bioptickou laboratoří s.r.o. v Plzni
Poskytují ThinPrep PAP test (liquid based cytologie) - moderní vysoce spolehlivý test na karcinom děložního čípku
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Informace o vyhodnocení gynekologické cytologie ThinPrep PAP test

Reference k Liquid Based Cytology a systému Hologic

(řazeno chronologicky)
  1. Bernstein SJ, Sanchez-Ramos L, Ndubisi B. Liquid-based cervical cytologic smear study and conventional Papanicolaou smears: a metaanalysis of prospective studies comparing cytologic diagnosis and sample adequacy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2001 Aug;185(2):308-17.
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  2. Marshall Austin R. The detection of precancerous cervical lesions can be significantly increased. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2003 Feb;127(2):143-5.
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  3. Limaye A, Connor AJ, Huang X, Luff R. Comparative analysis of conventional Papanicolaou tests and a fluid-based thin-layer method. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2003 Feb;127(2):200-4.
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  4. Abulafia O, Pezzullo JC, Sherer DM. Performance of ThinPrep liquid-based cervical cytology in comparison with conventionally prepared Papanicolaou smears: a quantitative survey. Gynecol Oncol. 2003 Jul;90(1):137-44.
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  5. Ramsaroop R, Chu I. Accuracy of diagnosis of atypical glandular cells - Conventional and ThinPrep. Diagn Cytopathol. 2006 Sep;34(9):614-9.
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  6. Lozano R. Comparison of computer-assisted and manual screening of cervical cytology Gynecologic Oncology 2007 Jan;104(1):134-8.
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  7. Roberts JM, Thurloe JK, Bowditch RC, Hyne SG, Greenberg M, Clarke JM, Biro C. A three-armed trial of the ThinPrep Imaging System. Diagn Cytopathol. 2007 Feb;35(2):96-102.
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  8. Zhao C, Elishaev E, Yuan KH, Yu J, Austin RM. Very low human Papillomavirus DNA prevalence in mature women with negative computer-imaged liquid-based Pap tests. Cancer. 2007 Oct 25;111(5):292-7.
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  9. Jacalyn L. Papillo, Timothy L. St. John, and Gladwyn Leiman. Effectiveness of the ThinPrep Imaging System: Clinical Experience in a Low Risk Screening Population Diagnostic Cytopathology, 2008; 36(3):155-160.
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  10. Duby JM, DiFurio MJ. Implementation of the ThinPrep Imaging System in a tertiary military medical center. Cancer. 2009 Aug 25;117(4):264-70.
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  11. Bansal M, Austin RM, Zhao C. High-risk HPV DNA detected in less than 2% of over 25,000 cytology negative imaged liquid-based Pap test samples from women 30 and older. Gynecol Oncol. 2009 Nov;115(2):257-61.
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  12. Castle PE, Bulten J, Confortini M, Klinkhamer P, Pellegrini A, Siebers AG, Ronco G, Arbyn M. Age-specific patterns of unsatisfactory results for conventional Pap smears and liquid-based cytology: data from two randomised clinical trials. BJOG. 2010 Aug;117(9):1067-73.
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  13. Boon ME, Ouwerkerk-Noordam E, Meijer-Marres EM, Bontekoe TR. Switching from neural networks (PAPNET) to the Imager (Hologic) for computer-assisted screening. Acta Cytol. 2011;55(2):163-6.
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  14. Randall K. Gibb, Mark G. Martens. The Impact of Liquid-Based Cytology in Decreasing the Incidence of Cervical Cancer. REVIEWS IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 2011;4(Supplement 1):S1-S11
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  15. Yeong ML, Pringle E, Stewart J, Retter E. A comparison of ThinPrep Imager-assisted with manual screening, and its place in the New Zealand cervical cancer screening program. Pathology, 2013;45(5):474–477.
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